Sweet Reminder Bouquet

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Sweet Reminder Bouquet:
A sweet bouquet for a girl of any age. This dainty gorgeous hand bouquet is filled with 6 pcs. red roses, assorted chocolate, heart-shaped mylar balloon. Colorful enough to make someone smile! 

Bouquet Content:
- 2 pcs. Hersheys Kisses Creamy Milk Choco 36gr.
- 3 pcs. Hersheys Kisses Cookies And Creme 36gr
- 4 pcs. Hersheys Cookies And Creme 40gr.
- 4 pcs. Ferrero Rocher Chocolate 3 pcs Pack.
- 6 pcs. Fresh Red Color Roses.
- Single Heart Shaped Mylar Balloon.

Your purchase includes a complimentary personalized free message card.
Shipping: Any part in the Philippines.

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